EverForest game…now loading

Escape into the EverForest and grow flourishing forests!

About a year ago, a small, mighty team came together with a trillion gajillion questions—and most of them boiled down into this one…

Could we harness the power of people, play, and planting to positively impact the climate?

Every one of us said yes—and every day that we build this game, our “yes” has grown louder and more passionate. In fact, we’ve coined this new type of game as Play-to-Plant™. And from a few of us doing research, to a larger team (and we’re growing!), our little seed of “yes!” has grown into a fun, beautiful, NEW kind of game we call EverForest. It’s got quirky animal characters, amazing plants, and a lot of puzzle fun. When players escape into the EverForest, they’ll find themselves a part of M Nature’s EverForest Alliance and they’ll grow flourishing forests in-game while we plant trees on their behalf in the real world.

Every day our team grows closer and closer to bringing our Play-to-plant game—and the dream of a healthy planet— to the world. In the end, we’re all forces of nature. And we can’t wait to play, plant, and prosper with you.


You play. We plant. The world prospers.


The power of play, people, planting, and the planet